新安怡源于英国的知名品牌飞利浦新安怡 (Philips Avent) 诞生于1984年,致力于以专业的研究和创新为妈妈和宝宝提供高质量的哺育用品和护理产品。2006年被飞利浦收购。其产品包括母婴喂养系列,婴儿喂养系列,加热消毒系列,洗护系列,健康安全系列等。其知名产品为新安怡吸奶器。
Avent 新安怡 自然质柔型可调速奶嘴(适合3个月以上的宝宝)更自然的喂养感受,柔软和防扁塌奶嘴设计。我们的全新柔软和防扁塌带罗纹的奶嘴专为成长阶段的宝宝而设计。舒适的吮吸和贴近母乳胸型奶嘴可实现自然...
2021-08-13 13:54:58 -
Avent 新安怡 自然质柔型可调速奶嘴(适合3个月以上的宝宝)更自然的喂养感受,柔软和防扁塌奶嘴设计。我们的全新柔软和防扁塌带罗纹的奶嘴专为成长阶段的宝宝而设计。舒适的吮吸和贴近母乳胸型奶嘴可实现自然...
2021-08-13 11:45:38 -
AVENT teats are made from soft pure medical grade silicone and shaped to mimic the breast in form and function Breast fed babies will accept the AVENT teat more easily and will happily go back to the breast, so combining breast and bottle feeding is easier with AVENT
2021-08-13 11:23:05 -
Unique anti-colic valve: The two piece anti-colic system consists of the AVENT Teat and adapter ring The adapter ring is an essential part of the bottle design and mus...
2021-08-13 10:23:23 -
2021-08-13 10:23:09 -
Soother with orthodontic symmetrical collapsible teat designed to respect natural development of babys palate and teeth with snap on hygienic cap to help keep soother clean and security ring handle Size for 0-6 months
2021-08-11 19:33:02 -
2021-08-11 18:22:46 -
Avent 新安怡 可变流量硅胶奶嘴(3个月以上)不论从外型,软硬度,口感,甚至不同月龄宝宝吸吮的力度,AVENT奶瓶乳头完全仿照乳头进行制作,不仅便于妈妈们在母乳喂养和奶瓶喂养两种方式之间的自由转换,更有利...
2021-08-11 17:54:25 -
Soother with orthodontic symmetrical collapsible teat designed to respect natural development of babys palate and teeth with snap on hygienic cap to help keep soother clean and security ring handle Size for 0-6 months
2021-08-11 17:09:40 -
The Philips AVENT Breast Milk Storage Bags offer ultimate protection for your breast milk 6oz 180ml breast milk storage bags Philips AVENT breast milk storage bags provi...
2021-08-11 17:02:18 -
Avent 新安怡 可变流量硅胶奶嘴(3个月以上)不论从外型,软硬度,口感,甚至不同月龄宝宝吸吮的力度,AVENT奶瓶乳头完全仿照乳头进行制作,不仅便于妈妈们在母乳喂养和奶瓶喂养两种方式之间的自由转换,更有利...
2021-08-11 15:07:24 -
Our new teat helps make bottle feeding more natural Innovative pedal design for natural latch on similar to the breast,making combined breast and bottle feeding easier * Innovative twin valve reduces colic by venting air into the bottle & not babys tummy
2021-08-11 14:44:32 -
AVENT teats are made from soft pure medical grade silicone and shaped to mimic the breast in form and function Breast fed babies will accept the AVENT teat more easily and will happily go back to the breast, so combining breast and bottle feeding is easier with AVENT
2021-08-11 14:43:50 -
2021-08-11 14:35:47