Dear Sir/Madam:
I'm very glad to have the prime membership experience at your website last month, but unfortunately i don't shop online that often, so the annual membership fee seems a little high for me.I've cancelled the prime service,would you please kindly refund the fee to my credit card? Thank you very much.
用的理由是“你们的会员我试用了一个月觉得很安逸,但是捏,我网购不是很多,你家年费对我来说太贵了,我已经申请取消会员了,可以退款不啊?”(觉得自己有点无耻啊= =!)--然后就吃晚饭去了,一回来发现邮箱已经收到邮件了,说的可以退的,嗯嗯!可以,本人非常满意,亚马逊的效率很高嘛~~~
Hello from Amazon.com, As you requested, we've canceled your Amazon Prime membership.Since you have not used your Amazon Prime benefits, we are refunding $79.00 which includes full membership fee and any applicable fees and taxes. Your refund should be processed within the next 7-10 business days and will appear as a credit on your card's next billing statement. If your latest membership charge is still processing, we'll issue the refund as soon as the charge is completed.If you'd like to join Amazon Prime again, start a paid membership by signing-up during checkout or visiting the Amazon Prime page: http://www.amazon.com/prime Thank you for trying Amazon Prime and shopping at Amazon.com.Best regards, Amazon.com Customer Service
最后还是要提醒各位新人,如果不想付年费的话一定要及时取消prime啊,就在→“Your Accout”里面的→“Setting”里面的→“Manage Prime Memberiship”里面可以取消哦~~~