亚马逊购物,虽然种类繁多,但是支持直邮的商家很少,其次,运费相对高昂。与其这样,喜欢淘本土德货的达人们,不如选择像德国BA保镖药房这样的德货直邮中文站,首重1kg仅13.9€,续重19欧,但他们中文站经常会做运费活动,如免邮、10欧、15欧封顶不限重等活动,本土德货直邮中国,支持支付宝、银联付款,非常的方便,网址:www.ba.de 。
Standard (7-10 days)
Music / DVD / Blu-ray - £1.49 per item + £2.09 per delivery.
PC & Video Games / VHS / Software / Toys - £2.99 per item + £5.49 per delivery.
Books (includes audio books) - £2.99 per item + £5.49 per delivery.
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All other categories - £4.99 per kg + £19.99 per delivery.
For any combination of items from the categories listed above add together the appropriate \"per item\" or \"per kg\" rates. The highest \"Per Delivery\" rate applies.
音乐/ DVD /蓝光-£1.49每项+£2.09交货。
电脑和视频游戏/ VHS /软件/玩具-£2.99每项+£5.49交货。
Hong Kong
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Music / DVD / Blu-ray - £1.49 per item + £2.09 per delivery.
PC & Video Games / VHS / Software / Toys - £2.99 per item + £5.49 per delivery.
Books (includes audio books) - £2.99 per item + £5.49 per delivery.
For any combination of items from the categories listed above add together the appropriate \"per item\" rates. The highest \"Per Delivery\" rate applies.
AmazonGlobal Standard (5-10 days)
Baby / Car & Motorbike / Clothing / DIY & Tools / Electronics & Photo / Hobbies, Sports & Leisure / Home & Garden / Jewellery & Watches / Kitchen / Musical Instruments / Office Products / PC & Video Games / Shoes and Bags / Software / Toys - £4.99 per kg + £10.99 per delivery.
AmazonGlobal Priority (2-4 days)
Music / DVD / Blu-ray / Video Games / Software / PC Games - £1.99 per item + £19.99 per delivery.
Books / Jewellery & Watches - £2.49 per item + £19.99 per delivery.
All other categories - £4.99 per kg + £19.99 per delivery.
For any combination of items from the categories listed above add together the appropriate \"per item\" or \"per kg\" rates. The highest \"Per Delivery\" rate applies.
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Standard (7-10 days)
Music / DVD / Blu-ray - £0.99 per item + £2.09 per delivery.
Books (includes audio books) - £2.99 per item + £3.99 per delivery.
VHS - £2.99 per item + £3.99 per delivery.
For any combination of items from the categories listed above add together the appropriate \"per item\" rates. The highest \"Per Delivery\" rate applies.
AmazonGlobal Standard (5-7 days)
Apparel / Automotive / Baby / Electronics / Home Improvement / Jewellery & Watches / Kitchen / Lawn & Garden / Musical Instruments / Office products / Shoes / Software / Sports / Toys / Video Games - £3.99 per kg + £8.99 per delivery.
For any combination of items from the categories listed above add together the \"per kg\" rate and the \"Per Delivery\" rate.
AmazonGlobal Priority (3-5 days)
All Categories (other than Sports) - £1.59 per item + £20.99 per delivery.
Sports - £3.09 per kg + £16.99 per delivery.
For any combination of items from the categories listed above add together the appropriate \"per item\" or \"per kg\" rates. The highest \"Per Delivery\" rate applies.多一个选择是运到美国,比直接来中国便宜,鞋的话,优势不是很明显,选多了到美国一样有预收关税,但是比到中国便宜一些,我点了两双鞋,到美国运费就少了100块左右,在美国单独走转运,或者和别的一块走应该可以少些运费,主要是我选了个拼图,2.4kg啊,到美国只要4,是可以选用7-10天的那种的,玩具试了几个运费都超便宜,累加一个不分什么就2,如果买贵又轻的玩具从英国退税运到美国再转进来可能比英亚卖价还低
Restliches Asien und Neuseeland 亚洲[td]
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*Wichtige Information: Artikel aus den folgenden Bereichen können nur per AmazonGlobal Eilzustellung bzw. AmazonGlobal Express-Zustellung bestellt werden: Bekleidung, Schuhe, Baby, Uhren, Schmuck, Auto & Motorrad, Elektronik & Foto, Küche & Haushalt, Sport & Freizeit, Bürobedarf, Musikinstrumente, Spielzeug, Software, PC- &Video-Games und Garten. Ein Standardversand ist für Artikel aus diesen Bereichen leider nicht möglich. Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie auf unseren Hilfeseiten über Lieferbeschränkungen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei der AmazonGlobal Eil- und Express-Zustellung eineVorauszahlung der Importgebühren fällig wird
Note: The above rates are applicable for China only附上翻译 [td]
额外的运费适用于媒体项目的不同寻常的尺寸或重量。 如果附加费适用于您的订单,您将看到收费出现在最后的订单在付款页面。
亚马逊购物,虽然种类繁多,但是支持直邮的商家很少,其次,运费相对高昂。与其这样,喜欢淘本土德货的达人们,不如选择像德国BA保镖药房这样的德货直邮中文站,首重1kg仅13.9€,续重19欧,但他们中文站经常会做运费活动,如免邮、10欧、15欧封顶不限重等活动,本土德货直邮中国,支持支付宝、银联付款,非常的方便,网址:www.ba.de 。