Elevit with Iodine is a once-daily vitamin and mineral supplement for pregnancy. But more importantly it is based on a formulation clinically proven to reduce the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida by 92%.Unlike other pregnancy supplements it's actually been proven with over one million successful pregnancies!Elevit with Iodine contains the highest level of iron, folic acid and iodine in combination than any other pregnancy multivitamin available in Australia.It also contains a range of ingredients to help meet your changed nutritional requirements throughout conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.What's more, unlike some pregnancy supplements, Elevit with Iodine is a once daily tablet.The role of iodineIodine is an essential nutrient for growth and normal development of the brain. Iodine intake is particularly important for pregnant women and children.Speak to your doctor about taking Elevit with Iodine if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.