- 中文名称 :Trilogy 趣乐活 玫瑰系列四件套装 玫瑰果油5ml+玫瑰面霜20ml+清洁霜30ml+玫瑰爽肤水20ml
- 外文名称 :Trilogy® Rosehip Collection
- 品牌 :Trilogy
Trilogy 趣乐活 玫瑰系列四件套装包含:
- Trilogy玫瑰果抗氧化油,经过有机认证,100%天然,结合自然界最强大的皮肤修复和皮肤保护性能的一个独特的和先进的配方,玫瑰果油。净含量5毫升。
- Trilogy玫瑰果面霜,适合大多数肤质,这款超滋养霜深层滋润和保护皮肤。含有来自大自然最有益的植物活性成分,包括玫瑰,月见草及橙花,这个清爽快速吸收面霜有助于健康的皮肤更新和减少老化迹象。净含量20毫升。
- Trilogy清洁霜,一瓶含有超过1/2的经过认证的有机玫瑰果油和其他有营养元素,如月见草油,荷荷巴油,杏仁和胡萝卜油,软化,清洁肌肤的同时呵护肌肤,使皮肤感觉光滑,柔软,焕然一新。净含量30毫升。
- Trilogy玫瑰果保湿喷雾爽肤水20毫升
Trilogy Rosehip Collection contains:
- Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+ 5ml
Certified organic and 100% natural, Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+ combines nature’s most powerful skin restoring and skin protecting properties in a unique and advanced formulation, Rosapene™.
- Trilogy Vital Moisturising Cream 20ml
Perfect for most skin types this ultra-nourishing cream deeply hydrates and protects skin. Made from a blend of 12 of nature's most beneficial botanical actives including Rosehip, Evening Primrose and Orange Flower, this lightweight and fast-absorbing cream assists healthy skin renewal and helps minimise signs of ageing.
- Trilogy Cream Cleanser 30ml
Containing over 1/2 a bottle of their certified organic rosehip oil and other nutritious goodies such as evening primrose oil, jojoba, almond and carrot oil Trilogy Cream Cleanser softens and cares for skin whilst cleansing, leaving skin feeling smoother, softer and beautifully refreshed.
- Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner 20ml
This gentle, alcohol-free blend of pure distilled water infused with extracts of rose, rose geranium and lavender will leave your skin soft and supple and revitalise and refresh body and mind.