- 中文名称 :RapidLash 睫毛生长液 3ml 浓密纤长滋养
- 外文名称 :RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum 3ml
- 品牌 :RapidLash
- 规格 :3
RapidLash 睫毛生长液(浓密纤长滋养)能够让您摆脱睫毛膏,打造您纤长浓密睫毛。只需在睫毛根部轻轻一涂,不管你以前的睫毛是多么的枯黄、稀疏不完美,一个月后它都将睫毛变得纤长浓密,黑亮并动感十足,让您从此以后不需要睫毛膏。临床证明,50%的人群都发现自己的睫毛比以前更长,75%的人群发现睫毛纤长浓密又自然。产品注入了独特独家的成分来快速打造您完美的睫毛,RapidLash睫毛生长液浓密纤长滋养液塑造闪耀的你。
○ 规格:3ml
○ 品牌:RapidLash
○ 使用4-12周后效果显著,一般使用5周就可明显看到睫毛比以前更纤长,更浓密,为了达到最佳效果,建议使用八周时间。
○ 产品含有甘草提取物,能亮化双眼,抵御刺激、红肿的眼睛。
○ 使用方便,无论在家还是在外,只要轻轻一刷,便可为睫毛提供滋养。
○ 帮助改善睫毛的长度、厚度和浓密度,有效保护防止其断裂。
○ 有助于滋养、强健睫毛,促进睫毛的亮泽和强韧。
○ 提供超效水润功效,改善睫毛的弹性和强健度。
○ 多肽
○ 维生素原B7
○ 维生素H
○ 维生素B5
○ 氨基酸
○ 大豆油
○ 南瓜子提取物
○ 清洁面部后,将涂有精华液的刷头刷至上睫毛的根部,由内眼角刷至外眼角如同画眼线一样,请谨慎涂抹,避免直接接触眼睛。注意用量适当,只需用刷头在睫毛的根部轻轻扫匀,小心别涂抹到眼睛里。每天临睡前使用一次,待精华液完全干燥后再使用其他产品,当睫毛长度,浓密度达到了您的预期目标,请再使用一段时间巩固效果。
○ 请严格按照说明使用;
○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用;
○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;
○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;
○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净;
○ 若使用后发生红肿过敏现象,请立即停止使用。
RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum® is a Multi Award Winning, innovative high-performance eyelash enhancing serum that conditions your lashes to look stronger, fuller and thicker in as few as 8 weeks.
Clinically proven, up to 50% longer looking and up to 75% more voluminous looking natural lashes* *A clinical study of 49 subjects over 89 days.
Improving the appearance of brittle, short, sparse, thin lashes into healthier, fuller-looking lashes in just weeks, the cult RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum® formula has not changed and continues to deliver the amazing results it always has. Created with an innovative, high-performance formula, RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum® is a convenient, easy-to-use serum with a once a day application that allows consumers to achieve a noticeable difference.
We are excited to highlight the exclusive Hexatein™1 Complex, unique to RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum®.
A proprietary mix of six highly effective ingredients come together in a perfect balance to help enhance the appearance of more beautiful, more voluminous-looking lashes!
Ingredients:HEXATEIN™ 1 COMPLEX:A unique blend of lash enhancing ingredients exclusive to RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum®6 INGREDIENTS – 6 BENEFITSSpecifically designed to target eyelashes from every angle:1) Polypeptides, comprised of beneficial amino acids, help protect against breakage and support more voluminous-looking appearance of lashes2) Biotin (Pro-vitamin B7 / Vitamin H / Coenzyme R), an essential factor in maintaining healthier-looking, youthful lashes3) Panthenol (Vitamin B5) helps coat the lashes and seal in moisture and nourishment for improved overall appearance4) Amino Acids help replenish the building blocks of lashes by boosting the protein structure and resulting in healthier-looking appearance of lashes5) Soybean Oil, rich in vitamins, helps impart sheen and luster to lashes making them appear lush and beautiful6) Pumpkin Seed Extract, high in zinc, EFAs, amino acids, vitamins and phytosterols, helps balance and enhance more voluminous-looking appearance of lashesCaution: For external use only, Avoid direct contact with the eye. If irritation occurs, rinse with cool water and discontinue use. If irritation persists seek medical advice.