Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 八小时经典润泽唇膏,在2012年丽都美容中荣获“最佳护唇膏”,是一款家喻户晓的8小时系列产品,在全世界享有很高的荣誉,具有舒缓、保湿、修护及防晒多重功效的唇膏,能提供唇部肌肤持续八小时的滋润并在肌肤表面形成保护膜,使娇嫩双唇常保柔嫩平滑;防晒成份还能有效保护双唇,预防因照晒而造成干燥脱皮及提早老化的现象。带有淡淡的颜色和自然的光泽,让双唇呈现自然健康的唇色,使娇嫩双唇长时间保持柔嫩平滑。
○ 规格:3.7g
○ 品牌:Elizabeth Arden 伊利莎白雅顿
○ 包装精巧玲珑,便于携带。
○ 八小时保护您的唇部。
○ SPF15的防晒指数,可以保护我们的唇部肌肤不被紫外线所害。
○ 清爽不粘腻,不会令唇部肌肤产生任何粘腻和负担感。
○ 滋润,轻轻涂抹这款唇膏后,可以赋予嘴唇持久水润,给唇部肌肤最直接的营养。
○ 舒缓保湿,给唇部肌肤提供持续八小时的滋润病,使轿嫩的双唇时常保持柔嫩平滑。
○ 产品中的防晒成分能有效地预防因紫外线照射而造成的干燥、脱皮以及提早老化的现象。
○ 即时修护和保护唇部肌肤,特别添加的凡士林可以再肌肤表面形成保护膜,使肌肤柔润不再干燥,而维生素E能够抗氧化,抵御自由基,给予肌肤细心呵护。
○ 润肤剂
○ 防晒油
○ 维生素E
○ 凡士林
○ 请严格按照说明使用;
○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用;
○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;
○ 请存放于避光、干燥、温度不高于25摄氏度处;
○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。
Winner of Best Lip Balm at the Cosmopolitan Beauty Awards 2012.
Elizabeth Arden's renowned Eight Hour Cream in a super-protective, portable stick for lips. Enriched with emollients, protective sunscreen and vitamin E.
Treat your lips to Eight Hour Care.
- Moisturises, softens and smoothes lips.
- Provides antioxidant protection with vitamin E.
- SPF 15 shields against UV exposure.
The Legend
Created in 1930 by Elizabeth Arden to soothe skin, Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant became an instant and overwhelming success. What made it so effective is a combination of petrolatum, a skin-soothing beta-hydroxy in one of its first cosmetic uses, and vitamin E. The apricot coloured balm was so beneficial to her clients, Miss Arden used it to soothe her famous thoroughbred horses' legs. Even its name came about thanks to a remarkable performance - a loyal client used it to treat her child's skinned knee and "eight hours later" the skin was all better.
Directions:Apply liberally as often as necessary.