- 中文名称 :Joico 嘉珂 日常去屑止痒修护感洗发水 300ml
- 外文名称 :Joico Daily Care Treatment Shampoo 300ml
- 规格 :300ml
Joico 嘉珂 日常去屑止痒修护感洗发水
使用方法:将适量产品涂抹于湿发上,, 对于有头屑问题的头皮,温和按摩5分钟后,再以清水冲洗干净。提示:可作为干性、敏感性皮肤的沐浴露。
Joico Daily Care Treatment Shampoo cleanses & keeps healthy hair in balance. Helps control scalp disorders. removes dry skin caused by dandruff, psoriasis and seborrhea. Promotes healthy blood circulation. relieves dry, itchy and sensitive scalps.
Please note: Flaking and itching might occur within the first days/week(s) of usage. This is normal. Continued use of Joico Daily Care Treatment Shampoo will give improvement of scalp conditions within approximately 14 applications.
pH 4.5 - 5.5
Directions:A small amount of Joico Daily Care Treatment Shampoo is applied to wet hair and scalp. For problem scalp, reapply and leave on for 5 minutes before final rinse.Tip: Can be used as a body wash on dry, sensitive skin.