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NEOM 完美之夜舒缓助眠三件套装

作者:Sukie2022-03-20 13:18:29



NEOM 完美之夜滋养护手霜 30ml

NEOM 完美之夜助眠滋养润肤膏 12g

Neom 完美之夜助眠香薰蜡烛 单芯 旅行装Description:

Prepare for a blissful night's sleep with the help of this Scent To Sleep ritual. A Perfect Night's Sleep Hand Balm (30ml), Wonder Balm (12g) and Perfect Night's Sleep Scented Travel Candle packed in a beautiful gift box. Formerly known as Tranquillity the name of this sleepy scent has changed, but the fragrance remains the same! After all, what better gift is there to give then the gift of a perfect night's sleep. Fragranced with a complex blend of up to 19 of the purest possible essential oils including English lavender, sweet basil, jasmine, chamomile and patchouli, all expertly chosen to help you relax and prepare for sleep.


To begin your bedtime ritual, light your Perfect Night's Sleep Travel Candle and allow it to pool to ensure the wax burns evenly. Just scoop up a small amount of Wonder Balm onto your finger and apply for a little moment of skin soothing TLC (on lips or dry patches) whenever they need to be given some serious love. Follow with a pea-sized amount of Hand Balm in the palm of your hand before massaging into the skin. We recommend cupping your hands over your nose and mouth, following the breathing technique, in for 7 seconds and out slowly for 11 seconds.



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