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Aromatherapy Associates 活力重现泡澡精油 55ml

作者:Sukie2022-03-20 16:52:21


Experience the genuinely positive and uplifting power of this unique blend, with clary sage, frankincense and cardamom to help find your strength in challenging and difficult times.

Created during her lowest ebb amidst treatment for cancer, Co-Founder and President of Aromatherapy Associates, Geraldine Howard, looked to her oils, seeking to formulate an essence tailored to give her the strength, courage and a positive frame of mind to enable her to face her fears and continue, strong, on the path to wellness.

10% of all proceeds of Aromatherapy Associates Inner Strength Bath & Shower Oil will be donated to the charity, Defence Against Cancer Foundation, that is helping pioneer new cancer vaccine treatment, of which Geraldine is currently a patient.

For more information about the charity, Click here.

Key Benefits:

- Helps to focus the mind and calm the thoughts.

- Helps fortify physical strength when you are feeling drained.

- Relaxing, calming and emotionally strengthening during difficult times.

- Balances emotions and help stimulate circulation.

CEW Awards 2015 Winner - Best New Bath and Body Product, Prestige.



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