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Grace & Stella 冷热双敷护眼睡眠眼罩

作者:Sukie2022-03-21 11:06:56



Shhh, let's just sleep...we'll help you out.Looking for the best of both worlds when it comes to a sleep mask? Look no further. Whether you're looking for a toasty sleep mask to provide you with that cozy, fresh-out-of-the-laundry warmth, or a cooling, puffiness-reducing eye compress, we have your back. There are a plethora of benefits when it comes to using a sleep mask, and it could be a game-changer for you. Having a good sleep routine is essential for good health, and if we're about anything, we're about feel-good moments.Warmed or cooled, grace & stella's gel eye mask is here to provide you with the utmost comfort

- it's made with a soft, plush backing and microwave-safe gel beads that can be heated up or cooled down to your liking. When our mask is cool, it can help with tired, puffy eyes and wake you up when you need it. When warm, it soothes the eye area for a relaxing night's sleep. For relieving the pain of congested sinuses and increasing blood flow to your eye area, this is the answer. And imagine, all of this, while blocking out the light in your room to ensure a restful snooze. Light is a crucial factor in the regulation of your body's circadian rhythm, the biological schedule that dictates sleep and wakefulness, so make sure you're covered. The super-soft backing makes it oh-so-comfortable on the eyes. No uncomfortable, cold, hard plastic here

- only plush.


TO COOL: Place sleep mask in freezer for 15 minutes prior to use.TO WARM: Warm up in microwave for 10 seconds prior to use.



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