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Regenerate 超细抗菌刷毛清洁牙刷

作者:Sukie2022-03-22 18:10:37



Regenerate™ and Lissoni & Partners joined forces to create the state-of-the-art toothbrush, the ultimate combination of substance and style. Developed by the Enamel Science experts, Regenerate™ Toothbrush has 5904 ultra-thin, ultra-soft filaments for advanced enamel care*. Regenerate™ Toothbrush is designed by globally esteemed architect, designer and art director Piero Lissoni, made in Italy with antibacterial filaments** and regenerated plastic.

* vs Standard soft toothbrush** Infused with Silver Phosphate Glass to inhibit bacterial growth on filamentsBrush your teeth with Regenerate™ Toothbrush for at least two to three minutes, twice a day. Thanks to its antibacterial filaments infused with Silver Phosphate Glass, Regenerate™ Toothbrush is able to inhibit the bacterial growth on filaments for 90 days*. It is recommended to change your toothbrush every 3 months to ensure a correct cleaning. For best results, use it with Regenerate™ Advanced Toothpaste to regenerate enamel mineral** reversing the early enamel erosion process.

* Relates to toothbrush bristles. Based on lab test. Bristles do not kill bacteria in mouth.** Acts on early invisible stages of enamel erosion by restoring its mineral content and micro hardness with regular use. Clinically proven.

93% recycled plastic



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