- 中文名称 :Versace 范思哲 同名经典男士香氛洗发沐浴露 250ml
- 外文名称 :Versace Pour Homme Hair & Body Shampoo 250ml
- 品牌国家 :意大利
- 适用人群 :男士
- 功效 :滋润/保湿,香体
- 质地 :液态
- 适用肤质 :所有肤质
Versace 范思哲 同名经典男士香氛洗发沐浴露,精致而完美。它能滋润肌肤,舒缓身心,给人一种健康又放松的感觉。
Versace 范思哲 同名经典男士香氛由地中海原料的基本成分创造,通过芳香的气味传达男士的个性。知识渊博、充满自信、与大自然和谐相处。柑橘、酸橙叶和橙花的芬芳中点缀着地中海式香调,将整支香氛瞬间点亮。中香以鼠尾草和蓝色风信子等鲜明的矿物花香为主要特色。琥珀香和麝香形成深沉性感的基调,演绎臻致阳刚的香氛精华。
Versace Pour Homme Shower Gel is delicate and sophisticated. It nourishes the skin and soothes the mind while imparting a sensation of well being and relaxation.
Versace Pour Homme has been created from essential ingredients of Mediterranean origin with the potential to convey through aromatic notes the character of the man of today. Knowledgeable and self confident, he has the ability to live his life in harmonious relationship with the natural world. Dynamic and entrepreneurial, the Versace Pour Homme man communicates this forceful and passionate character through a decidedly masculine fragrance.