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Foltène 丰添 男士用健发固发精华液 100ml

作者:Sukie2022-04-15 13:27:28


  • 中文名称 :Foltène 丰添 男士用健发固发精华液 100ml
  • 外文名称 :Foltène® Pharma Men Hair & Scalp Treatment 100ml
  • 规格 :100
Action of Foltène Men's Hair & Scalp Treatment: A single dose attack treatment based on the synergic action of Tricosaccaride, hair loss active ingredient exclusive of Foltène Pharma Laboratories and a Revitalising & Nourishing Complex:

- Tricosaccaride, stimulates the natural regrowth of hair, strengthens it and normalises its life cycle. It improves the biological functions of the scalp (blood microcirculation, intra-cellular exchanges), while contributing at the same time to the elimination of waste material produced by the hair follicle.

- Revitalising & Nourishing Complex - a mixture of vitamins and minerals that provides to hair and shaft the appropriate nutrients:

- Vitamin A: improves hair elasticity

- Vitamin B5: hair growth action

- Vitamin C: antioxidant

- Vitamin E: antioxidant

- Vitamin PP (B3 or niacin): improves microcirculation on the shaft and maintains healthy skin

- Aminoacids: nourishing action and contribution to keratine creation

- Zanthin: potent antioxidant of natural origin. Eliminates the negative activity of free radicals, it is 500 times more potent than vitamin E as an antioxidant, reduces irritation to the hair shaft, prevents bulb ageing.

Clinical trials have proven that Foltène Men's Hair & Scalp Treatment:

- Increases the number of hairs in the growth phase (Anagen)

- Decreases the quantity of hairs in the fall phase (Telogen)

- Increases the length and the resistance of the hair, giving it youth and vitality.

Directions for use:

Use Foltène Men's Hair & Scalp Treatment at the first signs of weakening of the hair and/or hair loss.

- Attack phase: 3 bottles per week for two months.

- Maintenance phase: 2 bottles per week for 6 weeks.

The duration of the treatment is to be evaluated on the basis of the results obtained.

The preparation has been dermatologically tested and its complete tolerability allows for use even over long periods, if necessary.

The treatment should be repeated at least twice a year (spring and fall)

Each box allows one month of treatment.

The treatment can be applied both to wet (after shampoo) or dry hair. Do not rinse.




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