- 中文名称 :Weleda 维蕾德 儿童洁牙胶 50ml
- 外文名称 :Weleda Childrens Tooth Gel 50ml
- 规格 :50ml
Weleda 维蕾德 儿童洁牙胶天然呵护儿童敏感的乳牙,可吞咽。净含量50毫升。
全天然成分,温柔呵护宝宝纤弱的第一颗牙齿。Weleda 维蕾德儿童洁牙胶护理可以护理宝宝新生的和发育中的乳牙,并提供天然保护,防止龋齿形成。它含有有机金盏花花提取物,保持牙龈健康,二氧化硅彻底清洁牙齿,茴香和留兰香作为天然香料。有了它,刷牙也变成一种快乐。它不含任何有害成分,即使吞咽也没有关系 - 也没有氟。这是你想要的对宝宝牙齿有益的天然牙胶。
Natural care for children’s sensitive milk teeth.
Natural care for children’s delicate first teeth. Weleda Childrens Tooth Gel looks after new and developing teeth and provides natural protection against cavities forming. With extracts of organic calendula flowers to keep gums healthy, silica for thorough cleaning and natural flavours of fennel and spearmint, it makes cleaning teeth a happy ritual. There are no ingredients which could cause harm if swallowed – no fluoride either. It’s everything good you want for your child’s early teeth, naturally.