- 中文名称 :ELEMIS 艾丽美 家庭Spa日本山茶花润肤油 100ml
- 外文名称 :ELEMIS Sp@Home Japanese Camellia Oil Blend 100ml
- 规格 :100
ELEMIS 艾丽美 家庭Spa日本山茶花润肤油,蕴含天然植物性胶原蛋白成分和抗氧化成份,拥有极强的渗透力,瞬间被肌肤吸收,从头到脚,身上任何一块肌肤都可以用。其山茶花油活性成分能菌消炎、平衡油脂分泌,还可以进行深层的清洁,全面改善肌肤各种问题。使用后身体肌肤更加柔滑丰盈,舒适健康。
○ 规格:100ml
○ 品牌:ELEMIS 艾丽美
○ 天然植物成分,不含矿物油、酒精、硅酮、人造香料、色素、高浓度清洁剂及防腐剂;
○ 携带使用简单、快捷;
○ 质感润滑不油腻,温和无刺激,易吸收;
○ 日本茶花籽油非常适用于指甲的护理,头发,头皮和混合性皮肤。
○ 能杀菌消炎,滋润保湿亮白,平衡油脂分泌,还可以进行深层的清洁护理;
○ 有效缓解防止孕后橘皮纹、减肥造成的肥胖纹;
○ 调理不洁、阻塞的肌肤,能收缩微血管、舒缓发痒、发炎和灼伤,也可柔软肌肤,对于清除黑头粉刺及油性肤质也极具效果;
○ 从肌肤底层重建紧致和弹性。肌肤更加年轻。轮廓重塑,皱纹明显减少,肌肤更加紧实。
○ 日本茶花籽油
○ 甜杏仁油
○ 胶原蛋白
○ 适用于所有肌肤类型。
○ 用于面部美容:每天早晚洗脸后,先涂上爽肤水,待皮肤吸收后涂抹于脸部,然后用手指或手心轻轻打转按摩1-2分钟。
○ 用于颈部:用适量纯正山茶花油于掌心搓匀,然后用力压托腮骨部位向上按摩,让松垂的肌肉收紧。
○ 用于全身护肤:洗完澡后全身涂抹一些山茶花油,让皮肤保湿,润滑,防止干纹的出现。
○ 用于去除细纹,孕后橘皮纹:在眼肚位置等地方会有细纹出现,一般由皮肤干燥所致,又称干纹,关键在保湿,其方法就是在这些易生皱纹的部位抹上油,稍作按摩,一周后定有惊喜发现。
○ 用于护发:用洗发水洗发后,倒入面盆2-3滴油,再将头发放入清洗,按摩几分钟后用温水洗净,洗后的头发顺滑黑亮,易于打理。
○ 用于护手:直接用油涂手或用和珍珠粉调好的油涂手,你的手会变得细嫩光滑,连指甲油晶莹透亮的,像涂了指甲油一样。
○ 使用前应仔细阅读标签;
○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;
○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;
○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。
Nourishing body oil.
This is the finest grade oil for Aromatherapy. For many centuries camellia oil from Japan has been used for the care of nails, hair, scalp and combination skin. Used in the ELEMIS Nurturing Mother-To-Be pregnancy massage, this light oil is easily absorbed and rich in plant collagen to keep the skin moisturised and supple, helping to prevent stretch marks.
Spa tip: Stretch marks on the legs, tummy, bust and arms can be the result of changes in body weight, as well as during pregnancy. You can improve the appearance of stretch marks by conditioning and massaging the skin regularly with a nourishing body oil. If skin ever gets very dry and dehydrated then get a glowing body sheen with an exotic body oil and seal it in with a body cream for that super soft and cared for look. Suppleness returns to the areas that are inclined to let us down when we sport that little black number, like knees, heels and elbows.
The ELEMIS Promise - ELEMIS Sp@Home Japanese Camellia Oil Blend is free from: parabens, SLS, SLES, DEA, mineral oils, artificial colours & silicones.
Directions:Use ELEMIS Sp@Home Japanese Camellia Oil Blend daily for skin maintenance.
Ingredients:Key ingredients: Japanese Camellia Oil and Sweet Almond Oil.