Polar RS300x Heart Rate Monitor,今天这款运动心率表,是博能心率表的中端型号,适合普通人跑步健身使用,包含一根心率带和一块心率表。具备身体测量功能,支持设定个人目标心率(Target Heart Rate),以便监控训练强度,可记录训练最高心率,平均心率等数据。
具备Polar OwnCal热量计算功能,可换算卡路里消耗(每次运动/ 每周/ 累计/ 脂肪比例)。具备训练功能,可通过官网,可以了解训练状态及身体负荷。自带G1 GPS传感器,可记录速度、距离等,并提供目标图像及响闹提示。带手表、秒表、闹钟等功能。
目前这款 Polar 博能 RS300X 跑步运动系列心率表,美亚报价:$49.99,直邮运费仅需$3.28,无税,到手约330元。国内天猫旗舰店售价1280元,差价4倍。

亚马逊畅销书排名: #188,926 in Sports & Outdoors (See Top 100 in Sports & Outdoors)
For some reason, Polar requires that these units be sent back to replace the battery, which costs $25 + shipping. On top of the annual cost of maintenance, this ship to replace policy leaves you without a heart monitor for about 2 weeks once a year. The other issue I found is that the reception range is not very good, so the unit won't work well mounted on a bicycle. Finally, Polar has decided to arbitrarily remove the % fat burn function from some of its watches. This watch does not have it, so keep in mind you will not know what % of your calorie burn was fat.
