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Good Parent Manual Breast Pump Value Pack

作者:Sukie2022-03-11 11:26:50


Good Parent Manual Breast Pump Value pack is Australia's first complete breast pump set with multiple size massage cushions and breast shields. Features:Selection of massage cushions and breast shields in S, M L size, three milk bottles with lids, manual breast pump assembly with spare one-way-valve.  All you need in a single box Does not require purchase of additional parts Australia’s only full set Selection of massage cushions and breast shields: One of each: Small — Medium — Large Convenient as you breasts change in size and shape Three milk bottles with lids and tops  Great for extraction and storage Convenient stand-up base & spare one-way-valve Enables unit to conveniently stand-up with additional stability Additionally, the unit is: Easy to operate ergonomic design Light-weight and portable Safe to sterilise by boiling water Additional information: Soft parts made of Medical Grade Silicone Hard parts made off Polypropylene (PP) Plastic - BPA free Vacuum range 0 ~-250mmHg (0~-33.3kPa) Vacuum tolerance ± 10% Heat resistant up to 120°C (248°F) Regulations: CE & FDA TGA registered ARTG 315628



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