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Medela 调节母乳流量奶瓶 150ml(专为婴儿唇腭裂和婴儿神经系统问题)

作者:Sukie2022-03-15 15:25:15


  • 中文名称 :Medela 调节母乳流量奶瓶 150ml(专为婴儿唇腭裂和婴儿神经系统问题)
  • 外文名称 :Medela Special Needs Feeder 150ml
  • 品牌 :Medela
  • 规格 :150
  • 单位 :毫升
  • 包装方式 :单件装
  • 适用年龄 :0-3月
  • 材质 :PP聚丙烯,硅胶
  • 口径类型 :标准口径
Designed for babies with cleft lip and palate and babies with neurological disorders.The SpecialNeeds Feeder offers the following benefits for feeding your baby breastmilk:    * Easy regulation of milk flow    * Easy milk intake    * No spillage    * Takes less time for feedingEasy regulation of milk flowThe one-way valve membrane between bottle and teat means no air can enter the teat. In addition to this, the SpecialNeeds Feeder has a slit-valve which enables you to regulate the flow of breastmilk, by simply changing the position of the teat in your baby's mouth. Even if your baby only suckles gently, he is able to activate the breastmilk flow.Support the fluid intakeEven with the gentlest suckling, the baby can be fed breastmilk, satisfying his natural suckling needs even though his suckling is too weak for breastfeeding. By squeezing the teat you can support the flow of breastmilk, so that it's easier for your baby to drink.For the very little ones: the Mini-SpecialNeeds TeatA smaller teat is available for weak or preterm babies: the Mini-SpecialNeeds Teat. Simply replace the standard teat with the mini one.




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