- 中文名称 :Lemon Detox Diet 7 Day Pack
- 外文名称 :Lemon Detox Diet 7 Day Pack
- 品牌 :Lemon Detox Diet
- 规格 :7
- 单位 :天
- 包装方式 :单件装
- 适用人群 :成人
- 功效 :减肥瘦身
- 主要成分 :膳食果蔬纤维
- 产品剂型 :口服液
The body has miraculous powers to cleanse itself.Unfortunately much of what we eat today in the western world is useless. Numerous chemicals and toxins that have been introduced into the natural environment can find their ways into our bodies through the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Invented over 30 years ago, the Lemon Detox Diet’s simple mix works with the body's natural cleansing process to flush out these toxins and burn fat naturally.It has been praised all around the world for its effectiveness and is commonly used amongst doctors and naturopaths. Also known as the Neera Supercleanse, its popularity has spread throughout Europe, America and Australia, where thousands upon thousands have experienced its amazing health benefits and remarkable weight loss abilities. Health food shops have reported soaring sales of the Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup? on which the Lemon Detox Diet is based and its UK and Australian distributors confirm orders have soared from 500 cans a year to more than 8,000 per month.The Lemon Detox Diet is one of the hottest diet/cleansing treatments in Hollywood. Celebrities, including Angelina Jolie have used it to get in shape fast for films and award ceremonies when a regular diet just won't do! It has become the biggest word-of-mouth detox program of the moment. It has been made famous by singer Beyonce Knowles when she revealed not long ago that she had used the Lemon Detox Diet to lose 9kg before filming the movie Dreamgirls. International TV Celebrity and Bollywood Actress Tania Zaetta is an Australian household name who regularly uses the Lemon Detox Diet.The Aussie action girl who is continually voted as one of the sexiest women in the world credits the Lemon Detox Diet in keeping healthy and staying in shape.Howard Stern’s sidekick Robin Quivers used the Lemon Detox Diet’s relaxed version which was responsible for erasing the joint pain and fatigue that had plagued her for more than a decade. The benefits reported by many of those whom have completed the Lemon Detox Diet programme include the following:? Cleansing the body of toxins ? Weight loss if overweight : 3-6kg in 10 days?Greater resistance to illness? Stronger willpower and determination? Improved concentration and clarity of thought? Less dependence on supplements and drugs? Clearer skin and eyes? Shinier hair and stronger nails? Happier, more positive outlook ? Greater sense of inner peace? Better digestion & circulation? Increased energy and vitality? Clearing of congestionThe Lemon Detox Diet is an all-natural, simple and enjoyable means to obtaining a healthier body and a better quality of life. It is safe and effective, invigorating the body's own ability to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins and helps the body to normalize its weight. The Lemon detox diet (Master Cleanse) is recommended by naturopaths for cleansing and weight loss.