- 中文名称 :Nature's Sunshine 保罗D'阿科胶囊 100粒 (维持健康、改善AIDS)
- 外文名称 :Nature's Sunshine Pau D'Arco Cap X 100
- 品牌 :Nature's Sunshine
- 规格 :100
- 单位 :粒
- 包装方式 :单件装
- 适用人群 :成人
- 功效 :提高免疫力
- 主要成分 :植物提取
- 产品剂型 :胶囊
Pau d'arco, also known as Taheebo or Lapacho, is a South American tree with a native tradition of use of the bark as an antifungal agent and to assist general wellbeing. The inner stem bark has been used for centuries in Brazil as a medicinal folk remedy.INDICATIONS FOR USETraditionally used for its antifungal activity.Aids or assists in the maintenance or improvement of general wellbeing.EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS* Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Pau d'arco) inner stem bark powder 500mgDOSAGEAdults: Take two capsules with a meal three times daily.CAUTIONSProlonged use of high doses of Pau d'arco is not recommended, and it should not be taken at the same time as anticoagulant medications.