- 中文名称 :Quality Health Odourless Fish Oil 1000mg X 400
- 外文名称 :Quality Health Odourless Fish Oil 1000mg Cap X 400
- 规格 :400
- 单位 :粒
- 包装方式 :单件装
- 适用人群 :成人
- 功效 :缓解痛风关节炎,调节三高,调节胆固醇
- 主要成分 :DHA,EPA,鱼油
- 产品剂型 :胶囊
Omega 3 is clinically trialled for heart health and heart maintenance.Supports joint, brain and eye health and general well being. What is Quality Health Odourless Fish Oil?A natural source of clinically trialled Omega-3 fatty acid at DOUBLE STRENGTH - thats twice the amount of Omega-3. Same benefits fewer capsules. No fishy after taste. Quality Health's Odourless fish Oil is sourced from envirnonmentally sustainable fisheries who harvest the fish in the deep southern oceans of Antarctic off the coast of Chile. The fisheries are strictly governed and controlled by government and industry regulations. This product is tested for pesticides, heavy metails including mercury so you can be sure of the highest quality product. Quality Health Odourless Fish Oil Helps: Joint health by reducing inflammation and hoint swelling associated with arthritis Heart health by supporting blood pressure, cholesterol and normal circulation of the blood in healthy people Brain health by maintaining mental and cognitive function as you age Helps maintain cholesterol levels within the normal range in healthy people Eye health as it plays an important structural and functional role in the retaina and nerve cells of the eye Maintains general health and wellbeing Ingredients: Fish Oil - natural 2g (2000mg) Equiv. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 360mgDocosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 240mg Total Omega-3 marine triglycerides 600mg Fish is sourced from the great southern oceans of the antarctic off the coast of Chile. Australian Quality Guarantee: You can be sure all Quality Health's products are made under strict Australian Good Manufacturing Practices and rigorously quality tested to ensure they meet the stringent Australian regulatory guidelines ensuring a safe effective quality product for you health and wellbeing. Australian Made Australian Owned Australian Quality Guarantee