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Lifestream 天然有机螺旋藻维生素C粉 100g

作者:Sukie2021-12-16 12:02:31


铭宣海淘-老牌转运公司,价格划算,精确到0.1磅计费,有贸易线, 西班牙、丹麦等全球路线!
  • 中文名称 :Lifestream 天然有机螺旋藻维生素C粉 100g
  • 外文名称 :Lifestream Spirulina Plus Vitamin C 100g
  • 品牌 :LifeStream
  • 规格 :100
  • 单位 :克
  • 包装方式 :单件装
  • 适用人群 :成人
  • 功效 :促进代谢,抗衰老抗氧化,肠胃养护,血糖平衡,调节三高
  • 主要成分 :维生素C,螺旋藻
  • 产品剂型 :散剂冲剂
Lifestream Certified Organic Spirulina plus Certified Organic Vitamin C provides the combined benefits of two existing superfood products of the Lifestream range. Lifestream Spirulina plus Vitamin C provides the highest quality certified organic spirulina boosted with the highest quality certified organic Vitamin C powder. Spirulina could well be the perfect food and the most natural way to significantly improve your energy levels and nutritional balance. Now we have made it even better. Only in Lifestream Certified Organic Spirulina plus Certified Organic Vitamin C will you get protein, enzymes, carotenoids and natural healthy plant pigments; delivered in a perfect blend by nature. More and more research emerges everyday from scientist and nutritionists identifying powerful plants, such as spirulina and acerola that contain special health-enhancing nutritional compounds. Lifestream Certified Organic Spirulina plus Certified Organic Vitamin C is perfect for those wanting to support their immune system, boost energy levels,for people recuperating, or run down, worn out and for during the ill and chills season.  Lifestream Certified Organic Spirulina is unique in that it delivers a much higher antioxidant level than any other spirulina. It contains high levels of phytonutients including carotenoids, iron, GLA, xanthophylls and chlorophyll. It also contains the powerful enzyme Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD). Lifestream Natural Vitamin C is made from certified organic acerola berries that are rich in natural vitamin C. This powerful little berry is the natural alternative to synthetic ascorbic acid. Most Vitamin C supplements available today are artificially produced from corn glucose, via chemical and/or fermentation processes. Lifestream Natural Vitamin C does not contain any synthetic ascorbic acid or anything artificial.  * 100% Certified Organic Spirulina * 100% Certified Organic Acerola Berry extract * Richest Spirulina source of carotenoids and chlorophyll * Rich source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytonutrients and all 8 essential amino acids * Natural form of vitamin C which contains anthocyanin and bioflavonoids for optimum absorption * GMO free * Vegetarian / Vegan friendly * Packaged in amber glass bottle and cartons to protect nutrients




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千纸鹤日淘 千纸鹤日淘是专注日本商品代购的一站式海淘平台。与煤炉、雅虎拍卖等日本电商均有长期官方合作。服务涵盖购物网站翻译展示、换汇充值、24h自动下单、国际快递合并集运等。热情周到的服务,期待您的惠顾! 

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