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Atkins 阿特金斯代餐营养棒 巧克力薄荷棒 15*60g 条(健康瘦身)

作者:Sukie2021-12-21 18:27:34


  • 中文名称 :Atkins 阿特金斯代餐营养棒 巧克力薄荷棒 15*60g/条(健康瘦身)
  • 外文名称 :Atkins Advantage Chocolate Mint Bars 60g X 15
  • 单位 :克
  • 包装方式 :15件装
  • 适用人群 :成人
  • 功效 :减肥瘦身,增肌塑形,能量补充
  • 主要成分 :蛋白质
You Deserve Every AdvantageAdvantage bars and shakes are the perfect snack to help you eat right, follow your plan and get you closer to your goal. And with plenty of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and only a few net carbs, you can enjoy these delicious snacks anytime of the day. Get the Atkins Advantage. Start today!Chocolate Mint - Warning: it's not your average bar. It's great nutrition disguised as rich chocolate and mint. This portable snack or meal has the fuel you need to keep goingContains:19g Protein1g SugarsOnly 2-3g Net Carbs*This product can be used in all phases of the Atkins Diet.*Counting Carbs - The net carb count helps you count carbs that impact blood sugar. Good carbs have a lower blood sugar impact.At Atkins, we believe in helping you live the best life you possibly can. And it all starts with the Atkins Nutritional Approach it gives you the power to eat right, lose weight and keep the weight off for a lifetime of healthy living.When you eat too many carbohydrates (carbs), your body burns some of those carbs for energy and stores the excess carbs as fat. When you eat fewer carbs - especially white flour and sugar, your body begins burning fat as its primary fuel source.The Atkins Nutritional Approach is a powerful, long-term plan for weight loss and weight management that works unlike any diet you've ever seen or tried. Atkins is a totally different way to look at food - it will show you that eating the right foods can actually change the way your body works - change you from a fat-storing to a fat-burning machine. Throw in some essential, yet fun, activity and you're on your way to the sexy results you've always wanted.That's how Atkins works - you learn to eat the right foods and change your body from a carb-burning to a fat-burning machine.For more information, recipes and eating plans visit www.atkins.com




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